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Friday, December 5, 2008

my NEW Journey ~

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. in the name of Allah...

alhamdulillah, finally i had finished my 1st semester..huhu. seem unbelievable..i'm already an university student now!! hua3... sem one quite okay.. hopefully the result also the best. just wanna share with all of u about my sweet experience since i became an usim student... what a great experience!! eventhough my friends always asking me, "izyan, why u choose to further ur study in shariah????"... " why not medic??"... "why shariah??why fiqh & fatwa?? and why USIM not ukm or uia??".. huhu.. so many 'why'... that's Y generation.. love to ask WHY!!

however, for me.. knowledge is everywhere.. we can get it in any way. i'm interested with usim because i'm really interested with it's course, fiqh fatwa...hee. this course has attracted me because it rarely heard and i really love to know about fiqh problems.. (^_^) now..i'm an usimians..huhu. whatever people wanna say, its up to 'em.

Faculty of Shariah & Law

and i have a very great experience usim. i really enjoy gaining knowledge here. all lecturers are very good and friendly ( especially my english teacher, mdm saazai..hehe. miss u so much!! ). my fiqh fatwa lecturer also not too bad..hee. at first sight, he's really serious... look fierce ( asiftu ustaz..hehe) but, he's actually a very kind person. he looks very strict and many of my fellows don't really like him. however, at the end of the sem, their perspective have been changed totally... fiqh fatwa has been an interesting course to them because of ustaz Lutfi..hihi.. that's a very good starter!

my best friends here... =D

hopefully for the next new sem, i'll be more motivated and excited in my study. pray for me and all my friends here. wanna remind to all, do the best in whatever we are doing and don't forget that everythings we do its all just for Allah ( lillahi Taala..) and also our lovely prophet & our ad-din, iSlam...insyaAllah. Barakallahu fiikum!! waAllahua'laam.. =)


Fairuz Liyana Azman said...

owh dh hbs sem 1...
erm mcne ngn result anti ok???
mesti la ok kn..
anti "terror"
anywy pointer bpe??